FCCU holds Falling Walls Lab 2016


The School of Management of Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), hosted Falling Walls Lab 2016, a conference on future breakthroughs in science and society on its campus today. The conference presents an excellent opportunity students and professionals alike to present innovative ideas, research projects and social initiatives.

Sponsored by the DAAD Information Center Pakistan, FCCU’s Falling Walls Lab 2016 attracted a record breaking number of applicants as over 120 participants came together to share their ideas. The event was made possible with the support of Director DAAD Mr Lars Bergmeyer.

Distinguished Formanite Mr Jahangir Tareen was the Chief Guest and presented the award to the winning idea to Awais Shafique for a device that would assist in preventing tremors. Osamah Hafiz won 2nd prize while Abdullah Ahmad won the 3rd prize. Award-winning journalist Mr Najam Sethi headed the Jury formulated to decide the award.

Mr Tareen appreciated the event as being an excellent initiative for the youth and for bringing innovation and diversity to the forefront. He also outlined the academic achievements and infrastructural developments that have taken place at FCCU. He encouraged young entrepreneurs to be innovative risk-takers and advised them never to give up. FCCU’s Rector Dr James Tebbe concluded the proceedings by thanking the management, the faculty and staff members and students who worked to make the event possible.