Cut off one head…


The financial crackdown is a welcome first step

While the military’s effort to combat terrorist and militant groups is to be lauded, it is obvious that that is only one aspect of the battle to eliminate terrorism. Therefore the news of banks being ordered to freeze accounts affiliated with key terrorist organisations is a positive update – particularly because the finance of terrorism has always seemingly received very little attention. This first step by the government in this direction – while overdue – is therefore a particularly welcome one. It is however, still just a first step, and will need time and effort to bring results. As appreciated as this move by the government is, however, like all first steps, it has its own flaws that must be amended to ensure that these anti-terrorism methods remain effective. And it is the responsibility of the press to bring these to light.

For one thing, the freeze order’s focus is on individual leaders of sectarian outfits. And while there is no dispute that these should also be targeted, the lack of names of banned organisations and well known terrorists, including leaders of organisations on which the international community has long sought Pakistan’s attention, is bound to bring more criticism than it should praise. Initial reports also pointed out the lack of names of many fourth schedulers – persons of interest under observation due to suspicions regarding their possible involvement with terrorist organisations. Ending America’s “do more” narrative in particular will need further clarification and a tougher stance. And while we’re on that topic: attention focused solely on individuals in positions of power rather than the entire organisation will have little to no consequence – like the mythical Hydra, real life terror groups have proven that cutting off one “head” only gives way to more ambitious leaders.

This may be the first time that such financial crackdown has occurred on this level. We can only hope the State will improve upon it to bring terrorist facilitators into the light.