Aftermath of Uri terrorist attack


Moving forward requires a little give, a little take


The terrorist attack in Uri came at a time when the Kashmiri people’s struggle for liberation from India had gone on for over two months. India was being widely accused in Western media for atrocities. Pakistan, supported by UNHR commissioner, OIC and Turkey had demanded that India allow an international commission to probe human rights violations. New Delhi had however refused any independent enquiry and had thus been put on the defensive. The killing of 18 Indian soldiers changed the scenario. Suddenly the terrorist attack took the center stage and reports about the indigenous struggle of the Kashmir people disappeared from the international media. The Uri attack acted as a setback for the movement in occupied Kashmir.


The attack which took place three days before Nawaz Sharif’s UNGA address created problems for the Prime Minister as the world focus had by this time shifted from Indian atrocities to the Uri terrorist attack which was being projected by India as Pakistan inspired. While New Delhi failed to produce evidence against Pakistan’s involvement, none except China, Turkey and OIC showed willingness to support it in exposing the Indian atrocities.


The attack led to confrontation between Pakistan and India. In India there were demands for revenge and talk about military action inside Pakistan. Prime Minister Modi called two meetings of the military and intelligence chiefs while the Indian media created war hysteria. This led to preparations in Pakistan to deal with any possible aggression. Civilian flights to Gilgilt-Baltistan were canceled. Motorway closure for PAF’s Highmark exercise added further to public concern. Combined together the factors fueled escalation fears driving the stocks down. Those who planned and executed the Uri terrorist attack did a major disservice to Pakistan and the Kashmiri people. While there is no evidence to prove that JeM or LeT were behind the gruesome act, Pakistan, being a responsible state, must take action against groups openly advocating armed attacks in neigbouring countries.



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