Nawaz Sharif at UNGA


Of allies and speculations

The prime minister touched upon a number of issues that concern Pakistan, the region and the world at large in his UNGA address. Highlighting the Indian atrocities in the occupied Kashmir, Sharif demanded an investigation into the atrocities like the use of pellet guns, extra-judicial killings and thousands of arrests. Talking about Pak-India relations he said Pakistan wants peace which is “not possible without resolving the Kashmir issue”. He also praised the results of Operation Zarb-e-Azb, and the comprehensive action that the country has taken against terrorist networks.


While reiterating Pakistan’s principled stand on Kashmir, Sharif conveyed to the world the country’s resolve to continue the moral and political support of the Kashmiri’s struggle for self-determination. In days to come there will be a need to ponder over why Pakistan could manage to garner support on its major concerns only from China, Turkey and OIC. Why is it that countries like US and Britain – among Pakistan’s oldest friends – did not share our concerns while the western media have consistently continued to doubt Pakistan’s commitment to the eradication of terrorism? It is time the PM takes Parliament on board over his policy on Kashmir and the region. Parliamentary approval would strengthen the PM’s hands. The parliament can be asked, if needed, to hold an in camera session on the policy.


Many think that Pakistan’s fast deteriorating relations with Kabul and Washington have to be urgently addressed. For this it is required that the government reaffirm that it will do all it can to prevent the use of the country’s territory as a springboard for militant activities inside Afghanistan. There is a need moreover to take visible measures for this purpose. Despite Modi government’s strident attitude, the majority of Indian citizens want improvement of ties with Pakistan through talks, as the recent Pew survey indicates. There is a need to speed up the Mumbai case to punish the culprits at the earliest, thus removing one of the barriers in the talks.