‘Iron brother’ China vows to support Pakistan on Kashmir issue


Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang asks the international community to show “better understanding of the Kashmir issue”

Accepts PM’s invitation to visit Pakistan

Asking the international community to show a ‘better understanding’ of Pakistan’s position on Indian-Occupied Kashmir, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang reiterated support for Pakistan in the standoff with India and said, in unequivocal terms, that China supports Pakistan on its stance on Kashmir.

Li’s remarks are being viewed as a major diplomatic success for Pakistan in wake of Indian diplomatic efforts and threats to “isolate (Pakistan) among the comity of the nations”.

Pakistan’s diplomatic offensive also won support from the United States and other leading countries at the United Nations General Assembly session.

“We support Pakistan and we will speak for Pakistan on every forum. We attach great importance to Pakistan’s position on Kashmir,” the Chinese premier said during his meeting with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, according to an official handout issued by the Prime Minister House.

Expressing hope that tension between the neighbours does not escalate, the Chinese premier also offered to mediate between India and Pakistan in order to improve their bilateral ties.

“Pakistan itself is a victim of terrorism. We hope that the situation between India and Pakistan will not escalate. We also hope that there will be a better understanding of Pakistani position on Kashmir by the international community,” the Chinese prime minister said.

“We are ready to play a constructive role in the improvement of relations between Pakistan and India,” he said and added that China would keep raising its voice in support of Pakistan on all international forums.

He said that Pakistan and China have an inseparable bond.

“We always give utmost importance to Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir. We hope that the world community shows a better understanding of the Kashmir dispute,” the Chinese premier said, adding that China would also expand its cooperation for better health, education and clean drinking water facilities for the people of Pakistan.

Premier Li also expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for “investing huge resources” for the safety and security of Chinese personnel in Pakistan.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif welcomed Li’s statement as well the support for Pakistan expressed by China on the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

“Relations between Pakistan and China have entered the next phase and we are now cooperating on political as well as the economic front. This is great news,” the PM said.

“Pakistan is committed to peace and stability in the region. We condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations,” the PM said, adding that Pakistan was successfully carrying out Operation Zarb e Azab against terrorism.

“We have dismantled the network of terrorists from Pakistan and establishing peaceful relations with our neighbours is our vision,” the PM said.

Sharif also expressed his condolences on the deaths in China after the recent floods and said, “whatever happens in China is a matter of concern for us.”

Sharif also extended an invitation to Premier Li to visit Pakistan which was accepted by his Chinese counterpart.

“Pakistan is looking forward to the Chinese premiere’s visit to Pakistan and Pakistan and China are iron brothers,” added the prime minister.



  1. " Iron Friend "…look pakistan is fooling itself by by saying this. China has never supported Pakistan in any war not it will support it in future too. They can not say anything to world regarding human right violation since theirs own record regarding human rights violation are very poor. They have Tibet in their hand. The day India will decide to stop all trade from China then next day 70% of chinees industry will be seek. They know whet they need to do.

    • you also dont know about Pakistan and China , First of all you go and look at the poverty of your country and control at you population first . Recently your nations army pardhan mantry said that they are not in a position to fight with Pakistan … By the way we don’t need any one’s help We are also muslim nation and Allah have blessed us with alot of things you kafar peoples don’t know about it ???.@ sangrampampam
      Be Alart of our Slap .
      may be you pee in your pents .

  2. I think that the small mindedness of a few foolish people is causing all this. By and large most people of India and Pakistan are loving and happy. I have seen this in Hong Kong, I have seen this in Taiwan. They play for same cricket teams. They go to restaurants together but when it comes to Indians in India and Pakistanis in Pakistan they fight because they have been trained to think that people on the other side hate you and are waiting to kill you. I know many Pakistanis who come to India for medical treatment and many Indians who go for projects/ Business to Pakistan. When they don't have a problem why should the ones in Kashmir specifically have a problem. My view also is that a few anti social elements are influencing the Kashmir issue. Why should Kashmir have problem with India ? All these anti social elements say it is because of rape/killing. I am not willing to accept this since there are 25 other states and no other state has an issue with the Government. I have seen people of all faiths and they live together in harmony. Please don't listen to these people who are filled with hatred and poison. They are infectious. Think of a world where one is not afraid/suspicious of the other and is filled with strong inclination for love and peace. Be Large hearted and you won't regret it.

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