India calls Pakistan a ‘terrorist state’ at UNGA


India on Thursday called Pakistan a “terrorist state” and accused it of sponsoring terrorism, hours after Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif raised Kashmir issue at the UN General Assembly session, The Hindu reported.

Exercising India’s Right of Reply to Nawaz’s speech about the situation in the Indian occupied Kashmir, First Secretary in the Permanent Mission of India to the U.N. Eenam Gambhir said, “the worst violation of human rights is terrorism.”

She said while Pakistan’s nuclear proliferation record is marked by “deception and deceit,” it talks about restraint, renunciation and peace.

“Similar false promises it has made to us — the international community — on terrorism. Perhaps renunciation of lies and self-restraint on threats could be a good place for Pakistan to start,” Ms Gambhir said.

India also strongly slammed Sharif for glorifying Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Burhan Wani, who was killed on July 8 by the Indian forces.

“Even today we have heard support by the Prime Minister of Pakistan for a self-acknowledged commander of a known terrorist organisation,” she said.

Gambhir voiced India’s firm resolve to protect all its citizens from all acts of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir.

“We cannot and will not allow terrorism to prevail,” she said.

READ MORE: US commends Pakistan’s progress in anti-terror fights