Pakistan Today

OIC expresses solidarity with Kashmiris against Indian brutality

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York and discussed the Jammu and Kashmir conflict.

Chaired by Secretary General of the OIC, Iyad Ameen Madani, the meeting was attended by Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz and Foreign Ministers of Turkey and Azerbaijan. The meeting was also attended by senior representatives from Niger, Saudi Arabia and the True Representatives of Kashmiri people, including President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Masood Khan.

The OIC secretary general called for an immediate cessation of Indian oppression and atrocities and urged the government of India for a peaceful settlement of the dispute, according to the demands of Kashmiri people and the UNSC resolutions.

In his statement, Sartaj Aziz stated that the Indian brutalities in Indian Occupied Kashmir had shown its most horrendous face in the wake of the cold-blooded murder of the Kashmiri youth leader, Burhan Wani. As a result of the deliberate and inhumane use of pellet guns by Indian forces against the peaceful Kashmiri protestors, over 100 innocent civilians have lost their lives, while more than 8000 are injured. More than 150 people have become permanently blind and the eyesight of another 350 has been seriously damaged.

READ MORE: PM urges OIC, Muslim countries to support the cause of Kashmiris

Aziz stressed that these repressive measures cannot break the spirit of the Kashmiri people and their legitimate struggle for self-determination.

The foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Turkey expressed grave concern at the deteriorating situation in the Indian-occupied Kashmir.

They also expressed serious concern at the serious human rights violations perpetrated by India against the innocent Kashmiris.

The foreign minister of Turkey emphasised the urgency of resolving the Kashmir dispute, especially in the wake of the recent events. He said that the resolution of the Kashmir dispute was important so as to bring regional peace and ensure development in South Asia. It was the major obstacle in India-Pakistan relations and its humanitarian aspect required urgent attention of the international community.

The foreign minister of Azerbaijan stated that OIC should think of innovative means to highlight the human rights violations happening in the Indian occupied Kashmir. He said that the OIC may consider taking tangible steps to help the Muslim brethren in the Indian-occupied Kashmir. The idea of asking the UN high commissioner for human rights to send a Fact Finding Mission to the Indian-held Kashmir was strongly supported.

The representative of the Government of Niger stated that despite the calls on the Government of India by numerous countries to show restraint, the situation in the Indian occupied Kashmir had become more serious. He said that the International community could not remain indifferent in the wake of such grave human rights violations. He urged the OIC to continue to mobilise the international community to resolve this long-standing conflict as per the UN Security Council resolution.

The True Representatives of the Kashmiri People briefed the meeting about the continued Indian brutalities, especially in the wake of the martyrdom of Burhan Wani on 8 July 2016. The President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Masood Khan also gave a detailed overview of the massive violations of human rights and international humanitarian law being carried out by the Indian occupation forces in the Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The members of the OIC Contact Group expressed their complete solidarity with the valiant struggle of the Kashmiri people. They reaffirmed their resolve to remain the voice of the Kashmiris’ at the international stage. The conclusions of the meeting were adopted and would be submitted for appropriate action of the Council of Foreign Minister of the OIC.

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