Stop deterioration in Pak-US ties


Poor foundations


As Nawaz Sharif prepares to travel to the US to speak at UNGA he needs to take note of the deteriorating Pak-US relations. In October 2013 when he was in Washington the US expected the newly elected PM to help jump-start the Afghan peace process. Not only did Pakistan fail to deliver the Taliban, the attacks inside Afghanistan increased. The US insists some of these are conducted by terrorists from Pakistan’s safe havens. Consequently, the Congress stopped the use of foreign military financing for subsidising the sale of F-16s and $450 million in aid was blocked. In July this year the US Senate Foreign Affairs Joint Subcommittee held a hearing to determine whether Pakistan was a friend or foe. The presiding Senator referred to the killing of Mullah Mansour in Pakistan as solid evidence to show that Pakistan remains a safe haven for terrorist groups

The issue was later taken up at more hearings. On 8 September Senators expressed frustration over relations with Pakistan, claiming that Pakistan still harboured terrorists who launch attacks inside Afghanistan. The witnesses appearing at the hearing however enumerated the problems that would be created by a strong action against Pakistan. The general opinion was that the US would better reduce and restructure assistance to Pakistan than to end it all together. At the latest hearing of the Committee Richard Olson underlined the need for a decisive shift in Pakistan’s policy of ‘tolerance towards externally-focused groups.’ He insisted that Pakistan take out all militant groups including those that target Pakistan’s neighbours and close all safe havens. He told the Committee he saw some ‘encouraging signs’ in recent months.

Pakistan and the US are only taking face saving measures. The basic issues remain unresolved. A relationship built on reduced expectations and little trust stands on poor foundations and would end even if does not face any spectacular crisis. The US has refused to support Modi’s position on Balochistan. US-India-Afghanistan trilateral talks would, however, take place on the margins of the forthcoming UN General Assembly.


  1. It takes two to tango. The US is more interested in containing China than creating peace in Afghanistan. The US thinks it can achieve peace by bullying Pakistan. The US will continue to back India in order to contain China, that is the reality of the 21st century. What will Russia do is the real question

  2. Two Pakistanis have four conflicting opinions between them on the same subject, no wander Pakistan has always remained in political and social turmoil.

  3. If Pakistan continues to do nothing to reign in the religious fanatics that create suicide bombers…while giving money to the Father of the Taliban at Darul Uluum Haqqania and his terrorist university…they can expect to be shunned by the international community of Nations who are fighting terrorism…

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