Pakistan Today

PM Camp Office London

It is disturbing for me, as a citizen of a sovereign constitutional democratic country to comprehend, how can the prime minister justify using his discretionary powers to declare family private residence located in the UK as a temporary PM Camp Office. After 23 March 1956 when the first constitution was adopted, Pakistan transited from the status of Dominion of Pakistan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and all its citizens no longer pledged any oath of loyalty to Her Majesty’s Government and we achieved the status of an independent sovereign state. Thereafter other than being a member of Commonwealth, the UK including its capital London, are alien foreign territories where our High Commissioner represents State. Is there any precedent during the transition phase from 1947 to 1957 where our Governor General, President or PM ever had their camp offices located in any foreign country or has any other constitutional democracies done so?


According to government’s own statistics, total revenues for FY 2016 stand at Rs 4.446 Trillion, while expenditure is Rs 5.7 Trillion, ie a deficit of Rs 1.35 Trillion. For a country which relies heavily on foreign aid from countries whose head of states and paid civil and uniformed officers live in modest houses, it is shameful for their elected and paid public office holders to live in palatial houses with scores of servants all at state expense.


The US President has to pay for meals consumed by any of his relatives or private guests at White House, other than those whom he has declared as his dependents.  A country facing such a financial crunch cannot afford to pay for temporary PM Camp Office based in London and bear all expenses incurred just because he chooses to have his medical treatment done at prestigious Harley Street Clinic.


It is time sanity prevails and this luxury of numerous private residences, spread over several acres, owned by family of various Presidents, PM or CM be declared as temporary camp offices, and state burdened to bear expenses of several such palatial houses, while State is simultaneously paying for official PM House, Presidency and CM Houses. Now even Provincial Cabinet meetings are held in Dubai with all travelling and lodging expenses paid by the government while a prominent political party is headed by British national living in London.

Ali Malik Tariq


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