MQM drama meant to divert attention away from immodestly dressed women, says Orya Maqbool Jan



    Our Orya Correspondent




    Speaking to reporters at his residence in Lahore, noted columnist Orya Maqbool Jan said that the recent kerfuffle over the MQM and its leader’s seditious statements are actually nothing more than a ploy by the powers that be to divert attention away from the nation’s increasing number of immodestly dressed women.

    “…and I am talking really immodest here,” he said, with a gleam in his eyes. “As if tight abayas weren’t bad enough, I actually saw at the Punjab University Law College a couple of girls who were actually wearing jeans!”

    “Back in the good old days, the good folks of the IJT would make sure that something like this does not happen. In fact, they were even on their way to make sure that boys don’t wear such clothes,” he said. “But, alas! Only a couple of al Qaeda operatives being seized from IJT hostels, and off they go!”

    “In the backdrop of the MQM drama — that’s what it is — I have seen so many advertisements, even TV programs on television, that feature young women not only wearing what they want, but also smiling while talking to young men,” he said.

    “Did you hear that? Young men. Not charming older gentlemen who have been in the civil service and write columns in the Urdu press, but youngmen!”

    “I fully condemn this noora kushti of the MQM and demand for the new channels to divert their attention back to condemning the vulgarity of telecasting live matches of the Pakistani women’s cricket team.”


    1. Mqm is terrorist organization, Ex army chief Pervaiz Musharaf support MQM, They steal 12,000 containers of ammunition and killed at least 10,000 people in Karachi from 1999 to 2014.

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