Our increasing isolation


Despite the need for connections


Relations with India have maintained a downward trajectory ever since the Pathankot incident. The latest spat is over Kashmir, a lingering issue without any imminent solution in sight.


The only logical approach is holding bilateral talks, something we are ready to do but India maintains no talks can be held until the issue of ‘Pakistan sponsored cross border terrorism’ is discussed first, something we vehemently deny even exists. The result is no talking rather incendiary statements from both sides.


An attack on an American university in Kabul this week resulting in 13 dead has resulted in another thorn in our worsening relations with Afghanistan. Intelligence handed over to us suggests the attack was handled from our side of the border.


Three top ranking officials from the US including US special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan, Richard Olson, visited Raheel Sharif at GHQ after the attack, most likely to express their concerns about the intelligence that had been shared.


The US has significantly reduced military and economic aid to Pakistan citing inaction against terrorist groups, especially the Haqqani network. Resultantly for the first time since 2007, total aid will be less than $1 billion this year, a figure that was as high as $3.5 billion in 2011. We are however still caught up in the good or bad Taliban distinction.


The common theme in our worsening relations with the US, Afghanistan and India is our selective approach towards certain terrorist organisations. Granted that our complex history with India makes it difficult for a diplomatic solution to come about any time soon but that does not mean we shouldn’t mend fences with the other two.


With Afghanistan, it is mutually beneficial to go after terrorists of all hue and color given that we too are fighting the same war here. As far as the US is concerned, we need their aid and if that requires definitive action against all proscribed terrorist organisations then so be it. It is high time that the luxury of choice in the matter ceases to exist.


  1. Begging money from the US to develop terrorism, but for what ? Is that help to reduce poverty or increase the quality of life of people of Pakistan ?

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