$999 robot makes perfectly round ‘Roti’


Rotimatic is finally here to end the struggles of making a perfectly round roti.

Singapore startup Zimplistic first revealed it roti-maker two years ago, pricing it at $999. The appliance received an overwhelming response with 8,000 units being sold in the first week. The fully automated device requires minimum effort by users who only need to add ingredients — flour, water and oil.

The fully automated roti-maker takes flour, water and oil, and spits out fresh and hot rotis, unleavened Indian bread also known as chapati.


Singapore will get the first batch of Rotimatics in June this year. The company also plans on making the appliance available to consumers based in the United States in the fourth quarter.


CEO Rishi Israni notes that his company is putting a lot of effort into the US launch after the success of its product in Singapore. “The perfect roti has three layers, and it needs to puff up so the hot air can cook it from the inside,” says co-founder Pranoti Nagarkar.

Making roti by hand seems quite simple. However, replicating the task by a machine takes some doing. “You realise how complex humans are when you try to replicate that with a machine,” the mechanical engineer says. From making a ball of dough to kneading,  the task requires a level of skill and expertise.


The appliance features 15 sensors that take into account properties such as humidity and protein component and adjusts them to push out rotis of “at least 95 percent perfection” within five rotis, Israni said. The device is also connected to the internet that enables each Rotimatic to share its learnings with others.

Courtesy: Mashable