Garbage heaps in Rawalpindi irking residents, causing diseases

Px30-036 KARACHI: Dec30 - Kids playing cricket near garbage dumped in a park in Azizabad which is a matter of concern for local authority. ONLINE PHOTO by Syed Asif Ali

Heaps of garbage at various areas of Rawalpindi irks the residents as it is causing several diseases and is causing environment pollution.

Many areas have serious environmental impacts like infectious diseases, land and air pollution due to blockage of drains and water pollution in natural streams.

The citizens complained that failure of the sanitation authority can be witnessed in areas of Sir Syed Chowk, Arya Mohallah and Khayaban-e-Sir Syed due to improper management of garbage dumping. They said that the situation is becoming complex in the city due to industrialisation and urbanisation.

“Open dumping, open burning and un-engineered sanitary land filling of solid waste are the wrong disposal practices adopted by the local authorities,” a resident of Syed chowk, Abbas Ahmed said.

He added that these methods of solid waste disposal are causing environmental degradation in the city.

Uncollected wastes often end up in drains, causing blockages which result in flooding and unsanitary conditions in the city, another resident Chohan said.

Another resident of Khayab-e-Sir Syed, Salim Khan said, “Flies breed in solid wastes and being effective vectors they spread diseases like malaria and dengue.”

He said that mosquitoes also breed in blocked drains and rainwater that is retained in discarded cans, tyres and other objects. He said that rats find shelter and food in waste dumps becoming a major source of spreading disease, adding that the open burning of waste, having products of combustion, including hazardous dioxins, causes air pollution.

The resident said the uncollected waste degrades the urban environment, discouraging efforts to keep streets and open spaces clean and attractive.

When contacted, an official of Solid Waste Management Department said that the department has placed 13 containers for use of solid waste in allocated areas. He added that efficient staff has been deployed to collect the waste and dispose it of properly, taking care of the health hazard effects of garbage.