Nisar appoints junior officer as NADRA deputy chairman


Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan has appointed junior officer Muzaffar Ali as the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) deputy chairman without the consent of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

According to media reports, Nisar made appointment of the junior officer as the deputy chairman – a position which does not exist in the organisation.

Earlier, Nisar had reduced the posts of directors in the Authority in order to bring the expenses down.

Commenting on the appointment, senor legal expert Babar Awan said that the appointment of a junor officer as the deputy chairman was a violation of the Supreme Court’s ruling, adding that there was another Prime Minister’s House within the Prime Minister’s House and a Ministry of Information within the ministry.

Nisar claimed that the appointment of deputy chairman was a part of master plan of rigging for the upcoming elections as the prime minister was afraid of the report of the NA-110 constituency.

He said the premier had interests in the NA-110 constituency whereas his part time minister of defence and minister of water and power were facing cases and NADRA report made it clear that a number of votes were not verified. He further aid the votes were being shifted from one constituency to another in order to facilitate the selected candidates.