PA approves resolution against transplantation at unregistered hospitals


Two separate resolutions against unregistered hospitals and against vendors for putting stalls outside schools were presented in Punjab Assembly on Thursday.

MPA Naheed Naeem filed the resolution against the vendors standing outside all the government and private schools and appealed the assembly to pass it. Vendors along roadside are increasing traffic problem especially for those outside the buildings of schools, the resolution stated.

It further said that the stalls are security risk for the people living or studying there and therefore, it is important to take strict actions against them. Vendors should be stopped from putting up their stalls and wheel carts in such areas, the resolution read.

A similar resolution was filed by Pakistan Muslim League (PML-Q) member Amir Sultan Cheema. His complaint has raised the issue of unregistered hospitals in the province. He said that the hospitals were playing with the lives of people for money. He told that such hospitals lacked basic medical and surgical instruments.

“Some of the instruments are of poor quality and can put lives of patients at risk”, he said. The resolution said that serious punishments must be given to the accused in order to overcome the problem. The resolution was passed by the assembly.