E-job Training Programme


As more than 60 per cent of Pakistan’s population comprises of youths therefore, the news that Punjab government intends to launch e-job training programme for the youth is a welcome step. The move certainly calls for applause as it will help impart various skills to two million youths according to the market needs till 2018. It is pertinent to mention here that such moves in the past have also helped youths of the country find respectable jobs. With the government’s efforts, thousands of young people have been imparted training in various skills under Skills Development Programme.

Moreover, the government has also provided billions of rupees interest-free loans to the youths for starting up their own businesses. The Apna Rozgar Scheme, Youth Laptop Programme etc. are some of the revolutionary steps taken by the government to empower youths of the country. It is hoped that this e-job training programme will certainly convert the youths from dependents to providers but only after it is implemented in its real sense. If such schemes be adopted properly then that day is not far when Pakistan will be self-sufficient and acquire the status of an economic giant, free from the crutches of foreign aid.

Saqib Ali



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