Ch Nisar’s press conference





Ch Nisar is predictable. It was understood that his press conference would comprise two things: Self-adulation and accusations against his critics in political parties and the media. It is the responsibility of the interior minister to explain the government’s policies related to internal affairs, particularly those related to internal security. Ch Nisar however failed as always to see the elephant in the room. He did not say a word about the formation, tasks and importance of the high level Task Force announced a day earlier to monitor the implementation of NAP.

A section of the speech delivered at the press conference was self-congratulatory. The re-verification of over 30 million CNIC in a short period was supposed to be an impossible task, Ch Nisar observed. He patted himself on the back for performing the Houdini act. The interior minister had taken similar credit for the earlier verification of CNICs. Within months, however, Mullah Akhtar Mansour was found in possession of an un-canceled Pakistani CNIC and passport when killed, causing embarrassment for the country. Is there a guarantee that that this would not happen again? No guarantee, says Ch Nisar. Mistakes of the sort are unavoidable is such colossal tasks.

Ch Nisar hates those who criticise him, the PPP being his major bugbear. He relished targeting the party’s old and young leadership. This of course was his right because he too is not spared by PPP stalwarts. He repeated old charges and added new ones on the basis of information he purportedly possesses. Then suddenly he denounced mutual incrimination asking political opponents to take whatever charges they have to one of the three forums: a commission of two former judges suggested by him, a commission of media persons whose name he proposed or the Supreme Court. Ch Nisar hinted at a section of the media having connections “elsewhere.” If by that he means an enemy country, Ch Nisar would be compromising his credentials as a patriot if he does not take such elements, in case they really exist, to the court.


  1. My dear editor, In the lawless land of Pakistan, truth and honesty have long become redundant virtues, they have been discarded as unnecessary burden because they get you know where and are of no practical use in life, in fact they become a barrier to one's progress and prosperity. In such a society, lies, deception, subterfuge, corruption, chicanery, buffoonery, injustice, free for all with no holds barred, void of red lines and might is right replace all recognized ethics, morals, virtues and civic norms of a civilized society. A person born and brought up in such a society becomes morally and ethically stunted from berth. Ch Nisar is doing nothing different to what every one in Pakistan does all the time, it is the prevalent norm, mindset and culture in Pakistan. Your religion, your over abundance of mosques and your empty rituals worship in them have no meaning nor use when you daily defile the creator's commands on human behavior and conduct with out a second thought. By denying reality staring in the face 24/7, you only fool yourselves and no one else.

    • Agree Riaz. You also mean to say that our leadership also is product of this very society and if they commit atrocities – no surprise. We still don't know who is fooling who. We aught to try a different and new leadership next.

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