The finals in American electoral race


The die is cast


On Friday Hillary Clinton broke the glass ceiling by being nominated by the Democratic Party as the first woman to contest US Presidential elections. Clinton has her positive and negative points and it remains to be seen if she finally wins the race. Compared to her rival she can claim to have a wide experience of running the administration. For eight years she was the first lady, for another eight years a Senator and for four years she acted as the Secretary of State. Knowing that she is not trusted by many Clinton asked not for trust but for faith in her competence. A large section of the youthful democrats under Bernie Sanders’ spell who stand for radical changes in the election system remain undecided whether or not to abstain from voting.

Clinton is opposed by GOP’s real estate mogul Donald Trump who won Republican Party’s nomination on July 19 that many thought was unthinkable. Trump ismegalomaniac and narcissistic. He has controversial and widely condemned positions on religion and immigration. He possesses however an incredible ability to use both the mainstream and social media. He understands that GOP voters prefer strong and wrong over weak and right. Many Americans oppose Trump’s ascension in US politics, lambasting his controversial campaign statements, including calling Mexican immigrants rapists and drug dealers whom he would deport if elected president. He has also called for a ban on Muslims from entering the United States.

The policy of the two leaders about Iran, Syria, Iraq and the IS is not essentially different despite Trump’s stand that Americans should have never been in Iraq. Both support a strong Israel. On Islam Trump is aggressive while Clinton is more circumspect, stressing religious freedom. A candidate needs at least 270 electoral votes to clinch the White House. On Friday Clinton enjoyed a slight edge over Trump in forecasts about both electoral votes and popular votes. With over three months of campaign lying ahead it will take time before one can predict the winner.


  1. I hope the step of clinton to see all sects and religious groups equally would be a good omen for her electoral campaign.She will attract more votes probably than that of Trump.

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