

Recent protests by Kashmiris for self-determination are faced with relentless atrocities by Indian army. Last week, clusters of youth popped out daringly to participate in Burhan’s funeral and overtly conveying a message to Indian authorities that they stand affirm with his ideology. Unfortunately, whenever Kashmiris raise their voice against state terrorism, it is suppressed forcibly. Indian claim of Kashmir as its integral part is hollow with this fact that in central India crowds are dispersed with water cannons, whereas, in Kashmir bullets and pellets are fired on unprotected people. The protests left dozens dead and hundreds of people wounded. It is beyond comprehension as to why international community has turned a deaf ear to the cries of innocents and is blind to the cruelties practiced there. It is lucidly evident that hitherto lava of hatred for Indian security forces has been seething underneath, which has erupted immediately after Burhan wani’s death. The presence of troops in Kashmir and violence of human rights is not acceptable in any case. Vibrant initiatives are required more than ever to mobilise the cause of Kashmir and settle this dispute according to UN resolutions as early as possible. Pakistan government must realise that formal statements to condemn Indian brutalities will work no more. It has become inevitable at this stage to hoist awareness about the deplorable condition of Kashmiris on international forums.

Hassan Basit
