Dr Danish urges nation to lend him Rs1500 till he gets paid next week


    Our Honest Anchor Correspondent


    Speaking on his program on ARY, Dr Danish has urged the nation to lend him Rs1500 till he gets paid next week.

    “The nation knows me. It knows that I would not ask for it had I not needed it,” he said on his program. “Furthermore, the nation knows that I am extremely prompt in returning the money I have borrowed.”

    “The nation knows that they should not believe in what my hostel roommates of medical college have been going around saying about my credit score. Also, they should not believe in what my neighbourhoodkiryana store has to say about that,” he continued.

    “I predict that I will be getting paid by the next week. If there are salary delays, then I would still be able to get my money by the 5th, definitely. They haven’t ever been later than that, I swear.”

    At the conclusion of the program, Dr Danish told the nation that his car was at the mechanic and whether the nation could give him a drop to his house.