Dengue Day


The announcement by Punjab Chief Secretary to observe ‘Dengue Day’ across the province on July 23rd is a good step to prevent the spread of dengue virus. As per the plan, all the government and semi-government premises along with the educational institutions will be swept for identification of dengue larvae in order to control the dengue virus. In addition, seminars will be conducted in all 36 districts of the province to impart knowledge and raise awareness among the masses to save themselves from any unfortunate occurrence. The purpose behind all this is to remain alert and more vigilant during the current breeding season of dengue and invigorate the sanitary patrol teams to start dengue larva sweeping activity in full swing. All this is a welcome step on the part of the government but we as an individual also have some responsibilities to perform only then we will be able to curb the menace of dengue virus. It is hoped that the public at large will also play its part along with the government to stop the dengue spread in the days to come.



Shehar Bano Syed
