Turkish military declares takeover, Erdogan says still in control


An army group in Turkey claimed late on Friday night that it had taken over the country, with soldiers at strategic points in Istanbul and jets flying low in the capital, Ankara.

A statement read on TV said a “peace council” now ran the country and there was a curfew and martial law.

It is unclear who the army group is. There are reports some senior army officials, including the army chief and the chief of the army’s general staff, have been detained.

The Dogan agency reported that a statement from the military said that the military did this “to reinstall the constitutional order, democracy, human rights and freedoms, to ensure that the rule of law once again reigns in the country, for the law and order to be reinstated.”

The military statement went on to say that “all international agreements and commitments will remain. We pledge that good relations with all world countries will continue.”


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he would overcome what he called an uprising by a minority.

He told CNN Turk by mobile phone the action was by a “parallel structure” that would bring the necessary response.

He called on people to take to the streets to oppose the uprising.

PM Binali Yildirim had earlier denounced an “illegal action” by a military “group”, stressing it was not a coup. He said that the government remained in charge.

The military group’s statement on national broadcaster TRT, read by an announcer, said that democratic and secular rule of law had been eroded by the current government. There would be new constitution, it said.

A Turkish presidential source told Reuters news agency that the statement was not authorised by the army’s command.

There are reports Turkey’s top general, General Hulusi Akar, is among those taken hostage at the military HQ.

Yildirim told NTV by telephone: “There was an illegal act by a group within the military that was acting out of the chain of military command. Our people should know that we will not allow any activity that would harm democracy.

“Those who are in this illegal act will pay the highest price.”

Traffic has been stopped from crossing both the Bosphorus and Fatih Sultan Mehmet bridges in Istanbul.


There are reports of gunshots in the capital Ankara. Other reports said soldiers were inside buildings of the Turkish state broadcaster in Ankara.

Gunfire was also heard outside Istanbul police HQ and tanks are said to be stationed outside Istanbul airport. All flights are cancelled, reports say.

One European Union source told Reuters that the military action “looks like a relatively well-orchestrated coup by a substantial body of the military, not just a few colonels”.

Visiting Moscow, US Secretary of State John Kerry said he hoped for peace and “continuity” in Turkey.


This is a developing storyand will be updated accordingly.


  1. Erdogan says still in charge. What is he in charge of, his Facebook account or his cell phone without connection?!

  2. what about Pakistan defense deals of f 16 and attack helicopters with turkey….are they be affected in any way..??

  3. We the nation of Pakistan stand with Turkiye. Erdogan is a great leader one that is transforming Turkiye from a patsy state to one that has real sovereignty internally and influence in the region.

    It was the most likely thing to happen with the so called afront referred to as the Arab spring will happen in our beautiful Turkiye. It did happen but was small with little support and the American patsy Gulen Fehtullah was unable to be flown in to become the saviour of Turkiye.

    Therefore martial law was inevitable through those who are pro European and pro Gulen to take measures into their own hands.

    Thankfully the brave Turkish people have spoken in support of Erdogan. The West and their ally in the middke East – Israel ir vusa vi however wish to look at regional politics. Is at great unease with Erdogan referring to him as a megalomaniac, power hungry and authoritarian.

    Let me ask you, if a nation is under seige through hegemonic politics and a bloody brutal terrorist infiltration while her closest muslim neighbour is on fire as is the wider middle east – what would you or any nation do. What would America do herself?
    She would tighten her borders and silence dissident voices used as instruments if hegemony. You will then go after terrorist safe havens and their support internally. Anyone supporting the terrorists who bombed Istanbul and Ataturk Airport or using these brutal attacks to use as a political tool against the president of Turkiye need to be removed. Europe saw peace only after a bloody brutal revolt and revolution.

    Today the Turkish army supported by or under instruction from foreign dissident voices and powers have been thwarted by the nationalists. Turks who understand the severity of the regional politics and outside interference.

    The Erdogan model needs to be followed by Pakistan if she wishes to free herself from the scourge if terrorism and outside interference. The Pakistani government needs to be unanimous on securing her borders and removing terrorist sympathisers, madrassahs, Imams, political parties or those within the ranks of political parties. Thankfully our beloved army is not infiltrated in the same way the brave Turkish army has been. Nevertheless this serves a grave warning to the Pakistani army to closely look and address such sympathisers if foreign agenda from within her ranks. Sadly unlike Turkey we do not have a strong government or leader. Everything sir Erdogan has said is true this is not a time for freedom and democracy, there is no time for these utopian ideals when your country is on fire and terrorism surrounds you and your enemies encircle you. This is the time for anow authoritarian regime that can secure and safeguard the nation and it’s people. In Pakistans case if the government can not do this then bring in the generals.

  4. We love Turkiye, the people the nation, the government and their army.

    We thank Allah Azuwajjal that today Turkey has been saved from becoming the new Libya, Syria that would turn this beautiful nation into Iraq.

    We love you our Kardes and stay safe.

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