Pakistan’s deepening isolation


And PML-N’s continuing denial



Now that the PM is back and settled, hopefully he will give foreign policy some urgent attention – along with the host of problems that have been waiting for him on the domestic front, especially Panama Papers, TORs, etc. It’s obviously no good counting on Sartaj Aziz for any clarification for Pakistan’s deepening regional and international isolation. He’s already brushed it under the carpet. There’s no isolation, no problems with Washington, and definitely no need for a dedicated foreign minister, is what he said when Nawaz was recovering in London and things were not getting any better, to say the least, with Afghanistan, America, India and Iran.

The Afghans and Americans have been particularly sour over the breakdown of the Quadrilateral. And now that they have taken out Umar Mansur – the man responsible for the APS attack, among others – in a drone strike (at Pakistan’s request), they will obviously expect Pakistan to play ball. And that, according to them, means concrete, quantifiable action on at least three issues. One, the Haqqani Network, of course. Two, the Afghan Taliban. If Islamabad can’t really deliver them for the talks, then it should at least do what they have, finally, started doing to our taliban – eliminate them. And three, Dr Shakeel Afridi. This has started appearing of late, and demands have come all the way from the US Congress.

This could be Pakistan’s face-saving moment, but only if Islamabad stops denying its isolation, accepts the failure of its diplomacy, and institutes a policy change. There could be no better time for Pakistan to overcome its policy of ambiguity, at best, on some of these matters. It is abundantly clear by now that all principle parties will have to work together if everybody’s wars are going to end. All concerned governments, should, therefore display extraordinary finesse in their diplomacy. Pakistan still leaves a lot to be desired on this front. Hopefully the government will give foreign policy the attention it deserves, especially now.


  1. Agree with the Editorial in toto. It is already too late to take any remedial measures but never too late. Not because we do not have a full-time Foreign Minister, but those who are Chaudhries at the foreign Ministry. " It will hardly make any difference, now, even if we have a full-time Foreign Minister" said one Editorial recently. Even a lay-man, like me, knows that our foreign policy has laid down Pakistan at home and abroad.

  2. Don’t know how Pakistan is isolated ???
    Yes our PM and his govt is useless but you underestimate Pakistans overall diplomatic situation..

  3. My friends as long as you hang on to your ludicorous belief that your elected feulalism is a democracy whic you must protect, you will go on living in your self constructed fools paradise. As soon as you ditich these self seeking paracites, you will breathe a sigh of relief and begin the end of you suffering. You create your own misery and the destablising of your country by voting for this feudal mafia.

    • Agreed with the last sentence of your comments. But do we have any choice ? The begger is no chooser.

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