Save the leopards



Leopards are often deemed to be more adaptable to human beings than other species of the ecosystem such as tigers, lions and some other big cats.
But unfortunately, according to research conducted in recent days, leopards have lost 75 percent of their historic range across Africa, Asia and the Middle East including three Asian subspecies in danger of extinction. It is said that leopards have almost vanished from vast ranges in China, Southeast Asia and the Arabian Peninsula while African leopards face numerous hurdles in the north and west. These iconic animals are threatened by numerous obstacles such as expanding of farmlands, declination of prey and illegal trades in their skins, teeth and if this trade isn’t controlled then we shall lose a vital species. Their skins are also sometimes worn as a symbol of power by the African chiefs in their dominions, including South Africa’s president Jacob Zuma who feels self-respected to wear such exotic and natural things and the price of its skin is about £70 or £80 because of the demand for Leopard skin coats, especially in the United States and western Europe. In fact, the world is losing dozens of species everyday in what experts are calling the sixth mass extinction in Earth’s history. As many as 30 to 50 of all species will be moving towards extinction by the mid-century –  and the blame for that sits squarely on our shoulders.

Every creature plays apart in the ecosystem. We must save the leopards by preserving Biodiversity and playing our part to beautify the blue planet (Earth).

Zeeshan Nasir


  1. Animals have more rights on this earth then us because they have been here longer then humans

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