Tasks that await Nawaz Sharif


Long to-do list

The prime minister’s return has been delayed till the second week of July. There are meanwhile highly important issues that await his return. These include crucial matters related to both internal and external affairs.

The foremost internal issue is the resolution of crisis created by Panama leaks. The opposition decided to take recourse to legal remedies after the talks on the ToRs broke down instead of taking to street agitation, which was being proposed by some. This provides respite to the government to diffuse the impasse. Only Nawaz Sharif can decide whether this can be done by reviving the talks on ToRs through concessions to the opposition or by other measures. The confrontation however needs to be resolved at the earliest. There is a possibility of the anti-democratic forces making use of the differences if these are allowed to linger on. He also has to initiate the process of appointing Gen Raheel’s successor.

While Sartaj Aziz claims success in foreign relations, the country’s relations with India and Afghanistan have touched the nadir. Topmost among the foreign policy issues that needs to be urgently tackled is improvement of ties with India. Last week Sushma Swaraj said talks on the level of foreign secretaries were not canceled but have been deferred till the Indian JIT is allowed to visit Pakistan. A decision on the issue is expected to be taken soon after Nawaz Sharif’s return. Pakistan is to hold 19th SAARC summit in November. This requires attempts to improve the relations. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani says Pakistan and Afghanistan are in a state of undeclared war. The quadrilateral talks have practically ended. Unless the PM intervenes, there is little possibility of improvement of ties with Kabul.

Having undergone heart surgery the PM has to decide whether he is fit enough to deal with the internal and external challenges. In case he finds that he lacks the required energy he has to temporarily hand over the charge to someone else from his party.