Pakistan Today

Death of a legend

The brutal cold blooded targeted murder of Amjad Sabri on 22 June cut short life of an icon – someone who can rightly be called Pakistan’s Luciano Pavarotti. He had a strong resonating controlled voice which he inherited from his late father Ghulam Farid Sabri and in a short span of time had created a name for himself. Amjad Sabri’s rendering of Qawalis, will continue to resonate in hearts and minds of millions who were his fans all over the world.

It is unfortunate that this curse of terrorism and intolerance has deprived Pakistan of many talented and brilliant sons and daughters who excelled in their fields. Thousands have fallen prey to this devilish pursuit of blind power, greed and battle for turf in financial hub Karachi.

Amjad Sabri was one of rare breed of men who owned and loved Karachi, and continued to live in the area where he was born and in the house where his father lived. He was a devout lover of Holy Prophet (PBUH), and a true and loyal patriotic son of Pakistan, which unfortunately cannot be said for many whom this country had offered numerous opportunities, made fortunes and yet abandoned it.   Fame and fortune did not go to his head. As usual there have been numerous messages of condolences by those at helm lacking will to launch a ruthless drive to root out criminals and enforce writ of law.

Pakistan faces biggest existential threat to its sovereignty and existence from within its borders and lack of commitment by both political elite and establishment, who are slave to their greed and conflicts of interest.

Ali Malik Tariq


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