First Chinese-English-Urdu dictionary published


First-ever Chinese-English-Urdu Dictionary has been compiled and got published by Syed Hasan Javed who had been in China for more than 10 years, first as a student and later as a diplomat.

It comprised 10,000 Chinese words, phrases, idioms and proverbs in simple and common use Chinese characters. The author has made painstaking efforts to put together such a useful book which will help students and teachers who want to fast track the learning of Chinese language.

Medium smart tools were employed while compiling the book. The dictionary introduces the complexities of the Chinese language, characters, tones, sound, strokes and even finds a few common expressions with Urdu language, distant offshoots of the ‘Silk Route family’.

According to Ambassador Hasna Javed, Urdu is the closest to the Chinese language. The book is a must reference material for the students and teachers of Chinese language.


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