Obama jokes about using LinkedIn after White House stint


On January 20, at the ripe age of 55, Barack Obama will leave the White House, unsure of what comes next.

“In seven months or so, I’ll be on the job market. And I’m glad I’m going to be here because I’m going to get on LinkedIn and see what comes up,” Obama told the Select USA foreign investment summit.

He went on to laud America as an “extraordinary place to do business.”

It’s not the first time Obama joked about using the professional networking site LinkedIn, which Microsoft has purchased for $26.2 billion.

In February, he posted about youth programs on the social platform used to exchange career advice, contacts and job offers.

He used the occasion to discuss his first work experience as a teenager: Baskin-Robbins ice cream vendor in Honolulu.

“My first summer job wasn’t exactly glamorous, but it taught me some valuable lessons: Responsibility. Hard work. Balancing a job with friends, family and school,” Obama wrote at the time.


  1. An interesting practice seems to have cropped up among self-written social media profiles, where the phrases that have been taboo on resumes (like "self-motivated team player") are creeping back into lists of job hunter credentials on LinkedIn. 

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