RE: Child Labour


This refers to the letter “Child labour” by Syed Ali Qasim (PT-June 17). In Metropolitan cities, one would have noticed everywhere – hovering around the crossings, shining shows, washing automobiles, working in the fields or worse, working in inhuman conditions in the factories. While the government proposes to abolish the problem of child labour according to the Act of 1986 but it seems impossible as unfair means are being practiced to evade legislation of any king by the employers. The child labourer has often been understood as cheap labour, which is a vital economic asset to developing industry. But this never justifies the inhuman conditions, which these innocent ones face.  Child labourers are totally sidelined by some organisations. Every child labourer has a dream of his own…a dream which keeps him going through the daily toils. Children below ten should not be allowed to work at any cost. Time has now come when we need to organise ‘Workshops-cum-training” centers for poor children so that they can earn while learning some skills.

Vinod C. Dixit