Pakistan Today

Dharnas will destroy the PTI

PTI needs to focus on governance rather than organising mass gatherings


On Friday, Chairman Imran Khan announced that there will be a dharna after Eid. I can understand the motivation of Chairman as these dharnas remind him of cheering crowds during his cricketing days. But I am more surprised that those around Chairman actually advise him to go for a dharna. These include JKT, SMQ, Asad Umar, Dr. Arif Alvi, Ejaz Chaudhry, Shafqat Mahmood, Aleem Khan, and Ch. Sarwar. None of these people are willing to accept that last dharna severely damaged PTI and reputation of Chairman Imran Khan. None of these people were personally affected by the dharna because all the sacrifices were made by our passionate grassroot members. It was these grassroot members who faced the lathi charge, the tear gas, the arrests and even death while those around Imran Khan would come in their bullet proof Prados and go home at night to sleep in warm beds in a secure environment.


I opposed the last dharna and I oppose this new dharna as well. Why? For the following reasons:

  1. All surveys and opinion poll indicate that nation is sick and tired of politics of agitation. Every dharna and protest has failed in last four years whether it is PAT, PTI, MQM, JI or anyone else.
  2. PTI does not have any tanzeem and engaging in such activity will further erode it.
  3. It is quite clear that PPP will not be part of street protests because if they did they will further damage their organization and narrative.
  4. Dharna will increase sympathy for PML-N and they will throw all burden of their bad performance on PTI. It will pave the way for their win in the next elections.
  5. Chairman Imran Khan lost two golden opportunities to give tough time to the government. First when he ran away from parliament when PM was there to answer questions. Second when budget speech was made and he was missing from the assembly.
  6. Dharna will pave the way for undemocratic forces to further erode authority of the civilians. Regardless how much we deny it but continuous protest weaken civilian rule and annoy people so much that they lose faith in it and pray for a uniformed savior to have some peace of mind.

So, instead of a new dharna, here is what we need to do:

  1. Focus on building district organisations and candidates for 2018 general elections
  2. Let those around Imran Khan bring their own families and friends to the dharna and walk in the summer heat.
  3. Deliver good governance in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa so that we can seek mandate based on performance
  4. Our parliamentarians should continue agitating and protesting about the bad policies of the government in the assembly. They should keep demanding punishment of all those that are corrupt.
  5. In the last dharna we spent an estimated Rs. 1 billion including Rs. 140 million to DJ Butt. If even 15% of this money is spent on developing our district organisations then I assure you we will win 2018 general elections.

The choice is clear in front of you. We can continue on the path of destruction proposed by those around Imran Khan. Or we can develop a new politics that is driven by an ideology and passion to reform Pakist

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