Muhammad Ali – The Greatest



Muhammed Ali was not born as a Muslim, but once he converted, he led his life like a true member of Islamic faith, with humility, honor, dignity, always standing up for principles he believed in. He was a loyal American but had no hesitation to stand up and challenge establishment. Just two years after winning WBA Champion titled, he stood up in 1966 refusing to be conscripted into US Army citing his religious beliefs. He was willing to be arrested, lose his title and millions that he could have earned during 4 years that he was stripped of his title and fought all the way to Supreme Court, which overturned his conviction in 1971. His conscientious objection to Vietnam War, made him an icon. He regained his title in 1974 and after retiring in 1981, he devoted his life to religion and charity. In 1984 he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Syndrome and like a champion he dealt with this ailment with dignity, until his death on June 3, 2016.


He chose to stand by his beliefs and was a true ambassador of his faith, at a time when Islamphobia and misdeeds of Muslim leaders distorted Islamic faith. It is sad that very few Islamic leaders in power and wealthy businessmen, blinded by greed and corruption, lack character and faith to lead their lives in accordance with Islamic values. May his soul rest in eternal peace.


Malik Tariq Ali
