An Impartial Speaker



During the row of Khawja Asif’s unparliamentarily remarks regarding PTI’s Shireen Mazari in National Assembly on 8th June 2016, the speaker’s handling of the matter was far from impartial. I think the speaker looked clearly partisan siding with Khawaja Asif. I was surprised to hear speaker saying to opposition “you provoked Khawaja Asif”.  Well it is job of opposition to criticise government but does that mean that Khawaja Asif go to this extent by using very derogatory remarks against opposition members?  No not at all. I think speaker of the National Assembly must be impartial and must be seen as impartial so that democracy gets stronger in Pakistan. It is duty of the speaker to ensure that all the members of parliaments especially women are respected during proceedings of National Assembly and no member of assembly has any right to insult any other member.

Ejaz Ahmad Magoon
