US-Pakistan drift should end to overcome terrorism, says Zardari


Former President Asif Ali Zardari has said that the US-Pakistan drift needs to end in order to beat terrorism.

In an article published in Chicago Tribune, Zardari has written that he can challenge those US congressmen who doubt the intentions of Pakistan.

“I would challenge any faction in Congress that holds this view to come to Pakistan and bear witness to our solidarity and resolve. Pakistan continues to suffer mass-casualty attacks by the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, including at the Army Public School in Peshawar, at Bacha Khan University in Charsadda, in Quetta, and most recently in Lahore, where 74 were killed and more than 300 injured,” he said.

“Doubters should know that Pakistan has lost nearly 500 troops and many thousands of civilians in this fight. These losses were sustained in offensives against terrorist networks in the Federally Administered TribalAreas — a longtime U.S. priority,” he added.

Asif Ali Zardari also lauded the successful operations of armed forces and the sacrifices rendered by them.

“As a direct result of these offensives, Pakistan has rooted out extremists’ safe havens, played a critical role in dismantling Al-Qaeda’s deeply entrenched networks and seized more than 160 tons of improvised explosive device precursors. As grievous as our losses have been, the past year has seen the lowest number of terrorist attacks and suicide bombings since 2007,” he said.

He went on to explain the war against terrorism has not only cost them human lives but has also taken the country towards economic crisis.

“In addition to the severe human costs, three decades of war has also meant slower economic growth and foreign direct investment than that of other developing countries whose borders are not active war zones. These are among the hidden opportunity costs of our commitment to fighting terrorism,” wrote Zardari.

While penning down about US refusal to provide F-16 jets to Pakistan, he said that denying Pakistan aircraft that the military deems necessary for continuing offensives against a terrorist network are ultimately counterproductive and self-defeating.

He said that history has made it clear that the U.S. and Pakistan are far stronger as allies, and that the world has benefited greatly from this partnership.

In a concluding statement, Zardari urged US to play its role along with Pakistan in combating terrorism and also fulfill its promise of F-16 sale.

“Pakistan is ready and willing to continue its role on the front lines of the war against terrorism. But the U.S. has a part to play in assuring our ability to fight and win on the battlefield. As talks between a delegation of top U.S. diplomats and the Pakistani government continue, the U.S. should reaffirm fighter plane sales and with it, faith in an indispensable partnership in defense of civilization,” he said.



  1. USA never refused to sell Pakistan F-16's…it only refused to pay for them…and Pakistan has refused to eliminate the Haqqani stronghold in Pakistan and the Taliban headquarters in Quetta?…your well known internal religio/political terrorist supporters are turning people around the world against your country…you cant run with the fox and hunt with the hounds?…duplicity is becoming Pakistan's other name…

  2. Mr 10% or any other Pakistani needn't challenge or even try and convince the US Congress, that is an establishment full of Zionists and anti Islam / Pakistan agenda!!!!!

    • Today as the USA buries a great Muslim, Mohamud Ali, with full Islamic religious honors it demonstrates to all that it certainly is not anti Islam….but certainly some pakistanis are anti american…

  3. Partly its true that NOW only, the Pakistani Government and Military under the leadership of our beloved Gen-Raheel is determined to eradicate terrorism from Pakistan soil, but Pakistanis need to admit that previous Civil and Military Regimes in Pakistan did harbor terrorists and augmented terrorism. Pakistan needs to diplomatically & proactively side with Kashmiris in a bold way in international arena through dialogue and remember that no might as much could ever hold Kashmiris under subjugation and occupation. Pakistan Foreign Office can do it without any doubt, no need to send Mujahideens to Indian Occupied Kashmir, they must learn the art of foreign diplomacy.

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