Pakistan and US-India understanding


Need to improve relations


There is a clear division between Pakistan and its traditional ally the US over the issue of terrorists. This became amply clear when Mullah Mansour was killed in a drone strike in Balochistan. Pakistan protested against the attack, calling it a violation of the country’s sovereignty. It was revealed that President Obama had personally approved the drone strike and that it may not be the last one. State Department Spokesmen Mark Toner later made it clear that any Taliban involved in attacks on US and allied troops in Afghanistan will face a similar fate. He reiterated that terrorists still find safe havens on Pakistan’s territory and there is a need to root them out.


The commonality of views over the issue between the US and India finds place in the joint statement by President Obama and Prime Minister Modi. While vowing to stand together against terrorism and extremism the two leaders condemned terrorist incidents from Paris to Pathankot, calling them a threat posed to human civilisation. The two leaders vowed to bring to justice the ‘perpetrators of terrorism anywhere in the world and the infrastructure that supports them’. The statement particularly names ‘Jaish-e Mohammad, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, D-Company and their affiliates’ among others. Hopefully those who make security policy will realise the grim implications of the statement. As if this was not enough, Obama and Modi jointly called for Pakistan ‘to bring the perpetrators of the 2008 Mumbai and 2016 Pathankot terrorist attacks to justice’.


It is time Pakistan reviews its policy towards its so called assets. It is in the interests of the people of Pakistan to put an end to the killings of innocent civilians and servicemen by terrorist networks operating from areas along the Durand Line. The Afghan government lacks the capacity to perform the job alone. What is needed is a synchronized, joint operation by Pakistan, Afghanistan and the remainder of the US-led troops. A joint military action that eradicates the threat would bring Afghanistan and Pakistan closer and improve relations with the US.




  1. What a stupid editorial! You think America is fighting terror in Afghanistan and will go back when Taliban get defeated?

    • Indeed the editor's wishful thinking is pathetic.
      US must have to be fought out.
      Pakistan must join with Iran,Turkey,China and Russia to form a block.
      US will leave this area bag and baggage.
      India has no capacity to bring her back.

      Pakistani pro-Americans are indeed pathetic.
      Every Pakistani should stay careful about them.

      • lol. Russia and Iran? Sure. First convince Putin to visit Pakistan and then convince Iran to stop harbouring RAW agents like Pakistan proclaims. Truth is there is only China-Pak friendship and Turkey's influence over South Asia is minimal

    • what a stupid comment…yes america is fighting terrorism in Afganistan…everyone knows this but idiots like you?…USA has already said it would like to leave but is staying at the request of the elected government…if pakistan continues to support the Taliban they may find themselves enemies of the free world…

  2. Excellent advise to policy makers in pakistan !!

    They follow or not is anybodies guess !!

  3. Us has never been traditional ally but helped for own benefit. Remember Us is best friend of Jews and India and Pakistan just an instrument to use for own interests. Remember prophet Muhammad and Quran has stressed never make Munafiqs and Yahoud your friends.

    • brainwashed followers of Islamic militants always like to bring out this ancient bit of racism embedded in old religious text…it is only uneducated fools who,would take this narrow minded, hate filled, bigotry literally in the world of 2016…what century do you live in?

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