Relevance of budget session


Harming the system

The budget statement by the finance minister reflects the priorities of the party in power vis-a-vis country’s financial, economic and social objectives. As the debate in the National Assembly helps the government remove any possible imbalances in the budget statement, the session assumes extra importance. The budget has to be passed by the last week of June. The National Assembly, therefore, has only twelve to seventeen working days to cover the three stages of the budget debate i.e., the general discussion on the budget, discussion on appropriations, and discussion and voting on demands for grants. The exercise can be successful only if the members of the National Assembly realise the importance of the session

What one saw happening on Monday and Tuesday in the National Assembly indicated a lack of seriousness among the MNAs, particularly those belonging to the ruling party. When the leader of the opposition rose to open the debate it was found that the quorum was missing. He had to wait for the government whip to collect the minimum required number. Only 28 MNAs were present the next day when the proceedings started. Once again the whip had to undertake a similar exercise.

Cabinet ministers also frequently dodge Senate committees’ meetings when their presence is essential to provide explanation on vital issues. While the establishment accuses Pakistan’s enemies of conspiring against CPEC, two opposition Senators have maintained that the government was continuously leading the country down the garden path on the Corridor.

A perception is fast rising that while the parliamentarians have got their salaries raised manifold they are negligent in the performance of their duties. As the ruling party’s ministers frequently dodge the NA sessions, the common PML-N MNAs feel encouraged to follow suit. While the PM is often absent from the NA sittings, the PTI chief prefers to address public gatherings instead of attending the NA sittings. These gentlemen have to realise that by neglecting their duties they are bringing down the prestige of the NA which does not bode well for the system.