Khabaristan Today (Satire): I should also be allowed to give federal budget speech, demands Imran Khan


    Our Imran Khan Correspondent



    A crisis emerged in the National Assembly during the budget session for the 2016-2017 fiscal when PTI chairman Imran Khan demanded to be allowed to present the federal budget.

    “It is my right. I pay taxes and therefore, I have an ownership of sorts, of this parliament,” said the PTI chairman on the floor of the house. “And the bureaucrats who have drafted the federal budget also get paid government salaries from my taxes. Therefore, it is my right to be able to present the budget.”

    When told by members of the treasury benches that he is in the opposition and, therefore, could not possibly present the federal budget, Khan and his party members staged a walkout from the house.

    This is not the first time an incident of the sort has happened. Recently, in the wake of the Panama Leaks, he demanded for the right to address the nation on PTV, the way the prime minister had. Khan had also demanded the right, as a tax-payer, to receive visiting foreign dignitaries as Pakistan’s head of government.



    1. With due respect, these satires greatly undermine the problems pakistan is facing. With the allegations and points made by opposition that how the budget one again was successful at increases taxes for the country’s poorest, the author’s remarks are very inconsiderate and shows that he doesn’t feel sympathy for the poor people who earn as low as 1 dollar a day while the author sits in his air conditioned office and make fun of the situation.

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