F-16 deal with Pakistan no more viable, says US


The F-16 deal, a United States offer to sell eight F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan, seems to be slipping away from Pakistan’s hand as a US State Department official has hinted that the deal was no longer possible.

This was revealed by the US State Department official David Ranz during a Capitol Hill meeting on Thursday.

“Forever is a long time but the term of the offer has expired. So for now, it is not a viable offer,” said Ranz.

He said that the deal expired on May 24 as Congress did not approve the Obama administration’s plea to use US funds for subsidising the deal, adding it made ‘a significant portion’ of the military help to Pakistan, ‘conditional to taking action against the Haqqani network’.

Pakistan has been getting a billion dollars from the US Coalition Support Fund as reimbursement for its efforts to combat terrorism.

“We are committed to this important relationship with Pakistan. We are committed to getting through the challenges, and to building a stronger relationship,” Ranz said.

The Pakistan Embassy Spokesman Ubaidur Rehman Nizami urged members of the Quadrilateral Coordination Group, formed in 2015 between Pakistan, China, Afghanistan and the US, seeking a settlement to the Afghan dispute, to consider the consequences of the May 21 strike that killed Taliban leader Mullah Mansour.

Ranz acknowledged that the US had concerns about Pakistan’s nuclear programme and about terrorist groups like the Haqqani network and Lashkar-e-Taiba.

The Capitol Hill meeting was organised by the Pakistani American Congress, which holds this annual event to present Pakistan’s case before US lawmakers.


  1. No F-16s? Fine should not continue fighting 'Terrorists'. Why should Pakistan be the conduit for US arms and personnel? The US should use an alternative route. Pakistan should end all supplies for US forces in Afghanistan and let it come from somewhere else. Pakistan's nuclear weapons are none of the business of the US

  2. Isn't it time for Pakistan to dump Ben Cardin, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee? How can a haluwa of F-16 deal can slip off from Pakistan, right under the nose of Ben Cardin? Ben Cardin seems waste his time on India.

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