Pakistan Today

The Cyber Crime

Freedom of speech is synonymous with liberty which is provided to every individual in a free society through which they can express their sentiments or estimations-  whether bearable or intolerant – is one of the single rights that remains for the people of Pakistan.
In the recent months, the National Assembly of Pakistan has passed a new resolution or bill which has been named the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Bill 2015 through which some government officials put certain bans on social media in order to regulate the intense censure put on them on the daily basis, despite the fact that media is an important way to express ones opinions that is used for an open exchange of opinions. The main functions of mass media are to cover events, gather and spread information, and to keep an eye on the activities of state authorities. It can be said that media is the fourth power after the executive, legislative and judiciary. If this isn’t correct then what kind of criticism is legal?
The bill also aims to create a new authority to control the social media which includes Facebook, Twitter and none of the individual is permitted to criticise the government openly which also displays the penalties on the accused in case if they are found guilty.
This bill also comprises good things; such as, people making fake Facebook profiles using pictures of other peoples and usually these fake profiles are used to post wrong or not ethical content. On the other hand, provisions in the cyber crime law are meant to protect individuals and groups from libel claims that are meant to harm them. The law covers not only incidents of cyber bullying but also other instances similar to that. In this regard this bill looks useful, but on the other hand, it will also restrict people to have an opinion against government officials and policies. The overall outlook of the bill suggests that freedom of speech has been affected, and the basic concept of democracy has been dented and this is the only thing which has restricted the corruption of the leaders of Pakistan if this is snatch then what will remain for the inhabitants of Pakistan?


Zeeshan Nasir


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