A clueless Ch Nisar


A sad reflection of the Haalaat e Hazrah


A drone attack has taken place inside Balochistan and President Obama has made it clear that US forces will continue to go after threats on Pakistani soil. Four days after the drone attack, the government and the establishment are as undecided   as ever over how to react to the dangerous situation resulting from a faulty Afghan policy. The Interior Minister has advised the country to wait till the Prime Minister returns from London and holds the meeting of the National Security Council


After going through an hour long rigmarole identifying difficulties in blocking fake ID cards and Pakistani passports issued to foreigners, Ch Nisar finally admitted that the passport discovered from the site of the drone attack had been issued illegally to an Afghan national.  While the US administration and the relatives of Mullah Mansour claim he has been killed and the Taliban are holding meetings to elect a new Emir, Nisar is not willing to believe it till proved through a DNA test.


Depending upon what suits him at a particular moment Ch Nisar can become a starry-eyed Walter Mitty or a pragmatic politician. He has strongly condemned the drone attack calling it a violation of international law and a negation of Pakistan’s sovereignty. He conveniently forgets that governments in Pakistan, including the present one, have acquiesced in drone attacks when these targeted major terrorists. The interior minister had himself chosen not to take notice of the several drone attacks that took place during Operation Zarb e Azb.


Ch Nisar is totally wrong to maintain that Mullah Mansour stood for reconciliation and peace. Has he forgotten that the Taliban leader did not allow the customary lull in the winter attacks?  Besides trying to wrest several provincial headquarters from the Afghan government he launched a major terrorist attack in Kabul that killed over sixty including innocent civilians. What is more, Mullah Mansour refused to join the talks with the Afghan government – as desired by the quadrilateral process.