Pakistan Today

Prophix: Hi-tech video toothbrush

A Seattle-based company has launched a new toothbrush with a miniature video camera that allows users to see inside their mouths with a smartphone app while they brush.

Prophix, the video toothbrush created by Dr. Craig S. Kohler, uses Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology to send videos to a smartphone so as to help users track the progress of their oral health.

“You can see it live,” Kohler was quoted by reports. “You are able to take photos of the different spots you might be interested in keeping track of, keep them in an album, and see if gum tissue changes color or look at a particular filling that you have questions about,” he added.

However, according to market researchers, the price of the toothbrush will be a challenge for sales. It is an intriguing idea, but some 400 dollars is a substantial amount for customers, research analyst Ryan Tuttle said.

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