Pakistan Today

WAPDA and the poor

When summer season approached WAPDA started load shedding and people are getting anxious to fill their water tanks. This is because mostly water tanks are constructed at top floor of the homes and cannot be filled properly without the use of electricity.


Mostly people of various wards of Badin are spending a very anxious life due to load shedding and shortage of water because mostly people depend on electricity, without it, they cannot fill their water tank for domestic use, people are not only worried by wapda but also about the behaviour of water supply officials.


A well-known person of ward no. 6 Mr. Abdul Jabbar Bhurgari said that official of supplied water open water early morning at 7:45 am for various mohallas and wards while load shedding also start on same timing resulting we cannot fill our water tank, however load shedding and supplied water timings are same.


“Water is basic necessity of every creature, so due to load shedding and water woes, people may get fetch water from donkey cart rider” said Mr. Fayaz Ahmed Bhurgari, in addition he also expressed his opinion that Badin is a rich district with natural resources but no royalty being utilised for its development since start natural resources and due to poverty people cannot afford to pay amount to donkey cart rider those who supply water at home and charge PKR 100 to 150/- of each 200 litre drum.


We request to the concerned authorities that they should solve the matter or change load shedding or water supply time so that people may fill their water tanks easily at the time of supplied water and the poorer people can be saved the charges that are involved in fetching the water and may utilised that amount for their bread and butter.



Shahid Ahmed Qureshi

District Badin


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