Unemployment in Baluchistan


Unemployment is being a big issue occurring in Baluchistan. According to a news report more than three million people are unemployed. The unemployment rate in Baluchistan is 33.4%. Unfortunately Baluchistan has the highest number of poor people (48%-51%, depending on area). In Baluchistan just 32 utility stores exist – there are more than 34 stores present in Islamabad city alone. It is very painful to know that in Baluchistan 90% of people are literate and still, people are jobless. It was estimated that 25,000 will be educated, among them just 2,000 can get their jobs. Half of the population in Baluchistan cannot earn $1.25 per a day.63% of Baluchis are wondering about their food security. I request to the government to make some jobs which can be a great opportunity for Balochis. Then no one will be running for getting food and everyone will see a bright morning instead of a back night.
M M Baloch