India trashes Pakistan’s concerns over Kashmir map bill


India dismissed Pakistan’s concerns over the proposed “Geospatial Information Regulation Bill”, saying that Islamabad has no locus stand on this issue.

The maps show all of the Kashmir as being part of India, and not divided between Pakistan, India and China.

Pakistan has criticised the “incorrect” depiction of the disputed region of Kashmir in Indian maps. Pakistan expressed serious concern to the United Nations over the Indian government’s efforts to pass a parliamentary legislation which aims to restrict geographical depiction of India and the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir.

“In violation of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions, the official map of India has been depicting the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir as part of India which is factually incorrect and legally untenable,” a statement issued by Pakistan’s foreign ministry said.

The proposed bill also bans “wrong” information, including disputed international borders.

The government said the rules would not create barriers to business if the bill became law.

The bill bans all types of geospatial information, maps, raw data or photographs, acquired by any means, including satellite photography. Offenders could be fined up to 1bn rupees ).

It also requires anyone who has already gathered such information to apply for a license to keep it.

Critics say the definition of geospatial data is so wide it could include printed maps, world atlases, or depictions of the country in international magazines imported to India.

Read more: Maps depicting Kashmir as India’s can’t alter it’s status of ‘disputed territory’: Maleeha