Pakistan Today

Transformers tripping causing problems to twin cities’ residents


With the level of humidity going up, the prolonged power outages and the constant tripping of transformers is adding to the problems of the residents of the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

Dozens of transformers trip daily due to the increased use of air-conditioners, room-coolers and other electrical appliances. The incidents of tripping of transformers not only compel the dwellers to spend sleepless nights, but it also costs them financially due to damaging of the electrical appliances.

Rana Arif, resident of Shafiqur Rehman Rawalpindi, while talking to Pakistan Today, said “The tripping of transformers has become a routine matter due to which many of our electrical appliances have been damaged, which adds to our misery.” He said that unfortunately, the government has no plan to solve the problem.

Muhammad Amjad, another resident of the locality, said that the transformers tripped due to overload, but the government does not upgrade or change the outdated transformers. He added that when he filed complaints for replacing the transformers, he is told that they cannot be changed.

Munawar, a resident of Pindora, said that it was very difficult for them to bear the hot and humid weather without electricity. “We cannot survive without water and electricity,” he said. He said that they were passing through great ordeal these days due to the constant tripping of transformers.

Malik Israr Awan, resident of Bharakahu, complained that the transformer of their locality Habib town tripped on Sunday and the officials took almost eight hours to fix it. He said that it has become a routine matter which makes the people suffer on daily basis. Malik further said that owing to the constant tripping of transformer, one of his refrigerators, two ceiling fans and a few bulbs have been damaged so far.

The Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) blamed the tripping of transformers to excessive use of electricity.

When contacted, the IESCO spokesperson admitted that they receive many public complaints pertaining to the tripping of transformers. The spokesperson, however, expressed optimism that the issue would be resolved soon as they were working on a workable solution to the problem.

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