Can the PIA be saved?



The appointment of Azam Saigol, from the reputed family of Late Rafique Saigol can be expected to restore PIA from abyss that it has fallen to because of political interference and massive corruption by mediocrity that dominated its executive corridor for past two decades. That is provided he is given a free hand with no political interference. Any organization would have met the same fate as PIA, if its human resource was polluted by cronyism, with every government going overboard to deny the national airline its fair share in traffic rights and placing PIA at a disadvantage with undue patronage of Gulf based airlines getting unlimited access to northern hubs which generate 80% of aviation traffic.


Unless PIA is rid of over 3,000 fake degree holders, ghost workers and others involved in financial and administrative irregularities, as well as the allegations of money laundering etc it cannot be expected to regain even a semblance of the past glory it attained under Rafique Saigol and Nur Khan. Without a team of qualified professionals operating with integrity and strict adherence to merit for promotions and foreign postings, Azam Saigol may not be able to deliver.


Serious doubts have emerged about lack of qualifications and corporate experience of Hildenbrand appointed by controversial former Advisor Aviation Shujaat Azeem and former Chairman Nasir Jaffer days before their resignation. Hildenbrand does not possess any of mandatory qualifications required in advertisement other than a two week certificate course in management.


It reminds us of appointment of Salim Sayani – a US national – as DMD in 2009 on a fabulous tax free salary of $50,000 with accommodation in Karachi and Dubai. Salim Sayani was tasked to make engineering profitable and efficient but in actual fact by time he was sacked in July 2012 more than a dozen aircrafts had been grounded, procurement of essential spare parts was in shambles and flight schedules had been disrupted. Sayani’s sole merit was that he was a close friend of former MD Aijaz Haroon and Sharjeel Memon. It was during his tenure that a controversial retired former PIA director Haider Jalal was appointed who was instrumental in favoring Gulf based airlines with unlimited traffic rights and devastating losses to PIA.


Ali Malik



  1. Agree in toto with the report and analysis. Much has been written and said about this White Elephant. It only will be a miracle if it can stand on its' feet again.

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