Child labour: Leading to disaster


Child labour is one of the critical matters in Pakistan which requires attention at the highest level. According to a report released in 2014 by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Pakistan stands at number six among the ten worst countries in child labour globally. Child labour is more prevalent in low-socio economic groups. In simple terms, child labour is defined as work in which children are deprived of their childhood, potential and dignity and as a result, their mental and physical health is jeopardised. At the stage where children should play, learn etiquettes, acquire education, and socialise, they are instead put to work where they are overworked and beaten black and blue. Eventually, the mental abilities of thinking, feeling and sensing of the victims become seriously impaired. It leads to insomnia and gives rise to anger and frustration in the long run.


A child at this young age does not know about the harmful effects of working instead of studying and socialising in his group


But with whom does the responsibility lie? The parents, who for the sake of earning more money put their children to work, are responsible. They reproduce more children with the purpose of contributing to household income rather than to society as a whole. If you go and visit any rural area, you get to know that if a couple has seven children, they all work in different cities and earn two or three thousand rupees each a month. The employer, who employs children for low wages, is also responsible. Above all, the state, that may have policies on stopping child labour in theory but does not implement them in practice, is also responsible.

A child at this young age does not know about the harmful effects of working instead of studying and socialising in his group. Not only does the child take instantaneous gratification in earning one or two thousand rupees a month, he also gets parental approval in doing this. A child who works at a tire shop or a barber shop will likely grow up and compare himself with other high-earners of society. The knowledge that he would never be able to compete with the multi-national working employees would make that child extremely frustrated. Angry frustration either leads to depression or aggression. Out of this, even more dangerous consequences are bound to occur. When the feelings of a child are hurt, they become revengeful and also lose the ability of sensing someone else’s feelings. Technically, they are called psychopaths or antisocial personalities. They are the ones who then become the rapists, dacoits, thieves, pilferers, and murderers. By that time, we rush to condemn these brutal acts and want to give those who are found guilty of crimes a capital punishment. But the real issue is much deeper-lying than we often realise. Many times, it is our own actions that contribute to the rise of the very same hateful offences that we condemn. What a conflict.

The state needs to make strict policies and implement them strong handedly and whosoever is found guilty, be it the employer or the parent, needs to be fined heavily and punished severely. Secondly, the state also needs to create job opportunities for poor people so that they earn and can pay their children’s school fees. Here, I would not support the concept of giving handouts to poor families, since this way they just become dependent upon the government or whosoever is supporting them. Thirdly, counseling centers need to be opened up for victims of child labour to work on their negatively affected mental states. Fourthly, every other person in the society needs to be made aware of the dire consequences of child labour. This evil needs to be nipped in the bud once and for all.


  1. Appreciate; the write up is full of insights and really reflects the critical situation of child labor rather children at risk. The state needs to address the issue, however, keeping in view the status of the state, we people need to accept the responsibility and come forward a step ahead and help them with the sources and resources that we have been blessed with. Once the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) was asked who is the best amongst us. He(PBUH) replied better for people and better for humanity is the Best. Lets be the source of blessings for these helpless community.

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