Self Employment Scheme: Another Milestone Achieved


Of all the aspects of social misery nothing is as heartbreaking as unemployment. It is really a worldwide curse and a big problem that affects economies of the world as no economy can flourish and groom with high unemployment rate. Unemployment has now become such a dangerous socio-economic problem that it is even endangering the security of the countries like Pakistan.

Unfortunately, Pakistan is one of those countries where unemployment rate is dispiritingly high. Regrettably, very few governments think about youth unemployment when they are drawing up their national plans. Thanks to the Punjab government for paying heed to the needs of unemployed and idle youth of the province. Keeping the high rate of unemployment in mind, the incumbent government initiated a self employment scheme not only to help eradicate poverty in the province but also to rid the province of unemployment on priority basis. Of late, under this scheme 50,000 vehicles have been distributed among unemployed youth of the province in a transparent manner. The distribution of these vehicles is certainly a welcome step and a great achievement of the provincial government as it is will provide livelihood to many people.

By acknowledging the needs of its people, the government is leaving no stone unturned to uplift the socio-economic conditions of its masses. The government acknowledges the fact that not only our future economic soundness but the very soundness of our democratic institutions depends on the determination of the government to give employment to idle men. It is hoped that such initiatives will continue in the future as well and contribute in the social and economic development of Pakistan in general and Punjab in particular.

Syed Ali Qasim
