Sadiq Khan’s victory for transparent democracy


My account of the PPP’s struggle for democracy

Mr. Sadiq Khan – a Pakistan by origin – is the newly elected Mayor of London and the pride of all political workers of global democracy. The son of a Bus driver, he is the first Muslim to hold this office and has made history by defeating Mr. Zac Goldsmith (son of multibillionaire James Goldsmith a multi billionaire and brother of Imran Khan’s ex-wife Jemima). Before the elections, some friends told me about that Mr. Goldsmith wished to use his BP wealth to create a pro – Imran Khan Lobby in Pakistan. God has saved Pakistan from another flow of imported petro-dollar cum Pound-sterling politics. The victory of Sadiq Khan – the product of transparent democracy and effective working of the labour party – should have discouraged whose target was Pakistan politics and electioneering. Still, I am not sure that political defeat of Mr. Goldsmith would influence his passion to expand his political influence in Pakistan via an influx of money. Through Sadiq Khan’s victory, the poor political party workers have defeated a mentality that wanted proxy win in politics of Pakistan.

Developed democracies have updated each political economy through changing requirements for the welfare of the people at large in their respect society. The term “political economy” means the development of the society politically and economically simultaneously, so that the development of each may bring about the other’s positive impact as well. It is imperative to maintain the balance of socio-economic change in the society to save it from disorder, chaos and anarchy. In this regard, the role of the political parties is essential – and I may discuss political parties separately in other columns. But it must be remembered that the party leadership, the organization and the control of the caucus determines the governments. The 20th Century technological advances fuelled unprecedented international economic activity. Air travel made virtually all parts of the world accessible in just a matter of hours. Advanced telecommunication and the internet shortened that time to minutes and seconds. But it must be recognized that economic globalization began long before the 20th Century.

In today’s world, capturing land and conquering areas is no longer feasible for any big power because of the scarcity of resources when compared with the burden of today’s problems including increased war on terrorism encircling the whole world. Therefore, big powers are interested to rule by monopolizing the economies of the developing countries for their consumption in such a manner that even their physical presence or colonization might not serve the purpose to that extent.

In Pakistan, the ruling elites include brokers and feudal lords already practicing this concept since before the country’s inception – they have increased quantitatively with the increase in population, are readily available to continue providing their services. Their vested interest is in watching their protégés and looking after them by adopting various methods and resources. The role of ECP in this regard is most deplorable. They use their discretion immorally in the name of constitution. I have personal experience in dealing with them. The PPP is not a registered party since the time of Musharraf. In the Apex Court in 2004, Mohtarma Shaheed Benazir Bhutto and I challenged this act of the ECP when they allowed Musharraf’s stooges to use the name of the party to repress the party’s work. Our case remained pending till 2007 when Musharraf’s protégés voluntarily dissolved the party. PPP is the only party that till today is not registered in letter and spirit while more than 260 political parties are registered including those whose leaders are living in Afghanistan.

The balloting is a symbolic phenomenon in the eyes of ECP. The dilemma is the PPP workers have to fight multi-dimensional fights that have deleted their resources and made them poorer as the fruits of victory were eaten by the brokers of power – just like in the past. The struggle of the PPP workers has naturally become weaker by nature in style, size and passion, which has reduced the party’s success. There is some light at the end of the tunnel however: mostly, they’re needy and suffering but only slumbering and haven’t sold themselves. Still, they’re intoxicated by the political victory and superiority which they held over the wealthy classes even when they were beaten by the establishment and the police. These problems are simmering and need to be streamlined for better performance as they were in the past.  The PPP stands apologetic. I am apologetic for this misbehaviour. The PPP workers have struggled for decades. No other political party in the world can exemplify anything similar, nor can any leadership be found similar to the sacrifices of Z A Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto for democracy in Pakistan. The repressive attitude used against the PPP workers and their families can be written as a history of passing through a sea of blood and fire for democracy. Those who looted the PPP were with every incumbent government in the past victimizing the PPP. Their role would be discussed when I will write on political parties in the future. The jiyala is innocent and wants to come out under the leadership of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari in the continuity of the mission. The poor and middle class people want assurances that this time they will not be victimized and that the fruits of democratic success would go to the common classes. That is the political culture that would bring forth the Sadiq Khans of Pakistan through transparent democracy – with fruits of success which I’m sure the PPP will allow the down trodden and the middle class to bring about.



  1. A worthless article. Starting from Sadiq and ending with Sadiq Khan. If Paksitan is proud of Sadiq Khan, they are also proud of having leaders like ZAB who allowed the country to split and destroyed the economic structure of the country. His slogan – roti kapra aur makan – could not be materialized in four decades. But ended with 'corruption tag'. The pride of PPP, that Mr 10% was adjudged as " One of the most corrupt leaders of South Asia" even if created a history of remaining in the Presidency for full term – alongwith his Polo khachhars. Don't only look at London's democracy, also see what we have done with our own country and democracy. The recent Panama Leaks is one. Your leader is on the run and in self exile – misguiding the Sind Government and creating hurdles for the country abroad. Routed in Punjab and unable to provide food and necessicities of life to dying children in the only left enclave of Sind. What are you proud of ?
    Wonder if comments would ever be allowed !

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