Pakistan Today

Unthankful Afghanistan continues hitting at Pakistan

Afghan Ministry of Interior Affairs alleged that the world has understood that terrorist safe havens are in Pakistan, Afghan media reported on Tuesday.

“US decision is in interest of Afghanistan as all countries of the world now understand that terrorist safe havens are in Pakistan,” said Najibullah Danish, deputy spokesman of Afghan MoI.

The members of Afghan National Assembly have also considered US pressure on Pakistan for combating terrorism effectively and insisted on isolating the country.

“Afghanistan and the regional countries expect the greatest powers in the world to categorise their aids regarding the role of Pakistan in counter-terrorism,” Ahmad Behzad, member of Parliament said.

Muhammad Asef Sidiqi, another parliamentarian, said, “Lack of assisting Pakistan will have negative impacts on the country. The international community now understands that Pakistan does not seriously act against terrorism.”

The United States has opposed conditions to the release of appropriated foreign assistance funds to Pakistan, including sale of eight F-16 fighter jets.

Afghan analysts say the move could have implications for the bilateral relationship at a sensitive time if the proposed deal stalls altogether.

The deal has apparently been put on hold by Congress in an effort to impede its progress, something the Obama administration is reportedly attempting to reverse.

It reiterated the steps taken by the US to strengthen Pakistan’s capacity in its counter-terrorism efforts, through continued provision of military equipment and assistance with approval of the US Congress – a testimony to the strength of Pakistan-US bilateral relations.

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