Asim Bajwa confirms dismissal of army officers over corruption


Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) spokesperson Lieutenant General Asim Bajwa confirmed the suspension of the six army officers by the army chief over corruption.

Bajwa said that the officers were dismissed, punished and sent home in a single related case.

He added that the action was taken after months of investigation.

Bajwa said that such actions within the army are not made public anywhere in the world as a reply to a question about the army’s silence and the absence of an official version.

“I did not deny the news at that time but as I told you, it is not the institutional policy to do so. A press release was issued in the National Logistics Cell (NLC) scam case because NLC was a public institution,” Bajwa told the show host.

Read more: In a first, army sets own house in order

The ISPR spokesman maintained the army already has a branch dedicated to investigating such activities and present its reports to COAS, who takes the required action.

General Raheel Sharif has strengthened this unit of army and is aggressively pursuing the anti-corruption drive, he added

Bajwa, however categorically denied ‘rumours’ about an inquiry against two retired lieutenant generals General Sajjad Ghani and General Naveed Zaman

Bajwa also added that the 11 death sentences announced a day earlier have taken the total number of decided cases to 88 and expressed hope that all pending cases will be decided by January 2017, the end limit of military courts.

He added that at least 207 cases are pending in military courts, 88 have been decided and some cases are in the pipeline, which will be forwarded to the courts after apex committee and ministry of interior’s approval.

Read more: Army chief approves death sentences of 11 ‘hardcore terrorists’



  1. Dear Gen. We have missed you. Were you on a holiday? You take to the twitter account like a duck takes to water but your silence on the army affairs this time was thought provoking. Again you have pulled a fast one. You did not deny the reports about the corruption in the army citing it as a internal matter of the army. No sir it is not. It is a matter for pakistan. We love our army but every thing should be above board. If we can accuse a democratically elected PM of corruption—we can also speak about the army.Sometimes silence can be golden but not when it occurs suddenly.

    • You have shown your total ignorance about Armed Forces functioning. This is not the Parliament. It is a Security Force and all its internal matters are not supposed to be made public. I was upset to see our illiterate media trying to out do each other in posting news of promotions and appointments of senior officers. This is not done barring appointment of Chiefs. Dr MM Khan this is not the first in your case. I do hope you are a genuine doctor although it suggests otherwise.

      • I thank you for your backhanded compliment but refuse to reply in kind. This very "illitterate media" supplies us with the news about every thing that happens in Pakistan. This very illiterate media is used by the army spokesman to set the record right. I sincerely hope i have not touched a nerve.

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